Tai-Chi, The supreme ultimate exercise for health, sport, and self-defense
by Cheng Man-ching and Robert W. Smith; Charles E. Tuttle Co - ISBN 0-8048-0560-1
The Essence of Tai Chi Chuan, The Literary Tradition translated by Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo, Martin Inn, Susan Foe, Robert Amacker; North Atlantic Books - ISBN 0-913028-63-0
Tai Chi Chuan Ta Wen, Questions and Answers on Tai Chi Chuan by Chen Wei-Ming - translated by Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo and Robert W. Smith; North Atlantic Books - ISBN 0-938190-67-9
There are no secrets. Professor Cheng Man-ching and his Tai Chi Chuan by Wolf Lowenthal; North Atlantic Books - ISBN 1-55643-112-0
Cheng Tzus Thirteen Treatises on Tai Chi Chuan by Professor Cheng Man Ching - translated by Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo and Martin Inn; North Atlantic books - ISBN 0-938190-45-8
Te-Tao Ching Lao-Tzu - translated by Robert G. Henricks; Ballantine Books - ISBN 0-345-34790-0
The Art of Warfare – The First English Translation Incorporating the Recently Discovered Yin-ch’üeh-shan Texts Sun-Tzu - translated by Roger Ames; Ballantine Books - ISBN 0-345-36239-X
Chinese Boxing, Masters and Methods by Robert W. Smith; North Atlantic Books - ISBN 1-55643-085-X